How long do I have to wait? says Lucas while waiting for the birthday cake on his 3rd birthday. Lucas is the son of a very dear friend of mine.
Blow! I need Help! It's not that easy blowing out the candles all by yourself - help is needed!
For both I have used SEI Stitches, papers, tags and decorations, See Dee's calendar stamps and pens.
Jag tackar varmt för orden i min gästbok! :)
Nu ska jag ta mig en rejäl kik här, hos dig! :D
Tack för kommentaren. Fina lo.s du gör.
Excellent lo Elisabeth!!! I love looking at your blog!!
Kul att hitta din blogg, ramlade in på den efter att ha klickat på din länk i ett inlägg i scrappiz. Tack för fin inspiration!
/Camilla aka www.floweret.se
So cute! I love the buttons!
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